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To be a Commissioner? or Not to be a Commissioner?

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Nov 1, 2012

Fantasy football commissioner that is....

Nothing gets me more angry than a horrible Commissioner   I am not going to name name's but the one that runs Saga Drama League is horrible.  He has done two trades--Ryan Williams for Reggie Wayne, Really?  He abuses his power for no reason, and does bogus trades that are unfair.   Not to mention he doesn't follow his own rules.  It is very clear he is abusing his power, and making up the rules as the season progresses.  This isn't the only thing he has been a pain about, was also the day of the draft.  Just pulls a date out of his ass and says you're either there or not in the league without asking if people can even make it who were in the league before hand.  Bring back last years commissioner because you suck!

That brings me to the lazy commissioner  they suck.  you never know what is going on, and getting together the draft is always a pain.  It takes two seconds to do but it's always put off till two hours before we draft.  Not to mention when the server is down and you need to reschedule the draft makes the shittiest time to do the makeup. Oy, Lazy comissioners suck.

Of course you always greedy commissioner  who takes your money and then uses it for themselves to buy that 6 pack of beer, and a pack of condoms.  They're always the winners,since they fuck themselves two ways.... everyone gets mad at them for spending the money, and they end up just jacking off into the condoms.

Then you have the I do this for attention commissioner   Let's throw a party and do a live draft.  But hey everyone come see how cool I am!

So, unless you're going to be truthful, fair, and take into account everyone.  Don't be a commissioner.

I sure as hell am never going to be one! Would you wan to be one of these guys?

**In no means am I talking about anyone specific.  Except for the first commissioner maybe.....